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Join the Australian Educational and Developmental Psychology Association

The Australian Educational and Developmental Psychology Association (AEDPA) is committed to promoting the expertise and role of Educational and Developmental Psychologists. Our goals are to:

  • Advocate for Educational and Developmental Psychology and Psychologists.
  • Support the maintenance and development of high-quality Educational and Developmental Psychology university training pathways.
  • Build the professional practice and competency of psychologists working in the Educational and Developmental Psychology field.
  • Provide professional advice and support to our members.
  • Support the Australian public’s access to educational and developmental psychology services.
  • Provide public access to educational materials about educational and developmental psychology.

Join Us Today!

The AEDPA represents registered psychologists in Australia with advanced training and qualifications in educational and developmental psychology; concerned with optimising the learning, development, and wellbeing of individuals, groups, and organisations across the lifespan.

The AEDPA is uniquely positioned in the Australian landscape of professional psychology organisations as the only membership body solely focussed on Educational and Developmental Psychologists.  While the Australian Psychological Society (APS) and the Australian Association of Psychologists Inc. (AAPi) provide broad support for all psychologists, AEDPA specifically targets advocacy, professional development, and public promotion of evidence-based information on behalf of Educational and Developmental Psychologists.

We will be addressing gaps by focusing on the unique needs of our endorsement and the Australian public, creating a robust network championing policies, practices, and educational resources that uniquely serve professionals, organisations, government, families, individuals and communities. Our initial goals focus on increased recognition of Educational and Developmental Psychologists in Medicare, the National Disability Insurance Agency/Scheme (NDIA/S) and other mainstream funding models for disability, development, learning, wellbeing, and mental health.

By joining the AEDPA you are taking the opportunity to actively collaborate with passionate colleagues, build awareness, resources, and advocate for the growing need of robustly trained, progressive, Educational and Developmental Psychologists in Australia.

Read more about our organisation at Membership FAQs.

We look forward to connecting and collaborating with you. 

Membership Grades

Membership in the AEDPA is categorized into several grades, each with its own qualifications.


For election as a Fellow, an individual must have:

  1. Current general registration with the Psychology Board of Australia.
  2. Endorsed as an Educational and Developmental Psychologist by the Psychology Board of Australia.


To qualify for election as a Member, an individual must have:

  1. Current general registration with the Psychology Board of Australia.
  2. Completed an APAC accredited post-graduate coursework qualification in educational and/or developmental psychology.

Affiliate Member

To qualify for election as an Affiliate Member, an individual must have:

  1. Current general registration with the Psychology Board of Australia, or
  2. Formal tertiary education and training in a health field, and:
  3. Employment that is suitably related to the field of educational and developmental psychology.

Student Member

To qualify for election as a Student Member, an individual must be:

  1. Currently enrolled in an APAC accredited post-graduate coursework qualification in educational and/or developmental psychology; or
  2. Currently registered with AHPRA to complete the internship pathway to general registration as a psychologist as part of the 5+1 program

Member Benefits


  • 60% off professional development
  • Access to the AEDPA Slack workspace
  • Access to all Member Benefit discounts
  • Post nominals: FAEDPA
  • Eligibility for Supervisor Directory inclusion (BAS only)
  • First preference for provision of professional development and supervisor programs to the AEDPA (excluding Directors)


  • 40% off professional development
  • Access to the AEDPA Slack workspace
  • Access to all Member Benefit discounts
  • Post nominals: MAEDPA
  • Elgibility for Supervisor Directory inclusion (BAS only)

Affiliate Member

  • 20% off professional development
  • Access to the AEDPA Slack channel
  • Access to all Member Benefit discounts
  • Post nominals: AffilMemAEDPA
  • Not eligible for Supervisor Directory inclusion
  • No voting rights

Student Member

  • 80% off professional development
  • Access to the AEDPA Slack channel
  • Access to all Member Benefit discounts
  • No post nominals
  • Not eligible for Supervisor Directory inclusion
  • No voting rights
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