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So you want to be a psychologist? 


The AEDPA hosted a webinar about the Educational and Developmental Psychology training pathway. The hugely successful event was presented by Educational and Developmental Psychologist and AEDPA Fellow, Claire Ting.  

The webinar was for Honours or Postgraduate Diploma students, recent graduates, and anyone considering a career in psychology, to learn about the possibilities within the Educational and Developmental pathway and about the Area of Practice Endorsement system that operates within the field of psychology in Australia.

After over 250 registrations and a flood of emails requesting access to the session, we have released the webinar recording and accompanying companion resource to the public for free. This includes the wonderful graphic recording funded by the AEDPA and illustrated live during the webinar session by the brilliant Graphic Recorder, Marty, from the Sketch Group.

Our graphic recording is essentially one big canvas of visual notes recorded during the event.  For the full experience and context, we recommend downloading and viewing both the recording and the companion file to make sense of the graphics notes.

Free Event Downloads

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